Overview of the historical and current research on the use of smacking
This is an overview of the historical and current research on the use of smacking. There is no debate; smacking and physical discipline of any kind is harmful to children who have suffered trauma. Be informed about the research behind this so you can guide your own parenting and support those around you to be trauma-informed. This offers practical, simple alternatives for behavioural management so you don’t need to revert to this outdated and harmful mode of punishment.
This is an overview of the historical and current research on the use of smacking. There is no debate; smacking and physical discipline of any kind is harmful to children who have suffered trauma. Be informed about the research behind this so you can guide your own parenting and support those around you to be trauma-informed. This offers practical, simple alternatives for behavioural management so you don’t need to revert to this outdated and harmful mode of punishment.
This webinar is 25 mins uses everyday language, so you can easily take on board the information and put the strategies into action.