On-Demand Training
All courses listed below are available as on-demand sessions, offering you the flexibility of 24/7 learning through our online education platform.
Recognising and Reporting Grooming Behaviours
We know grooming and the sexual abuse of children is a very uncomfortable topic to discuss but it’s a critical one to have! Whatever your role and whatever your industry, if you work with or around children, this training is a MUST! Its no longer about teaching children about ‘stranger danger’; we know our role as parents, care-givers, educators and human service workers is to teach children about “tricky people”. The idea is that it isn’t how well a child knows a person, it’s what they say or do that makes them “tricky”. A tricky person might tell a kid to keep a secret, or ask for help, or do something else that makes them feel uncomfortable. This training will work through what to look for and how to help children do the same!
Family Group Meetings with First Nations Families
Developed and delivered by our partner agency, Mullah Mara, by respected Elder Aunty Tammy Solomon. Aunty Tammy and SCS each have a demonstrated history of facilitating high quality Family Group Meetings that result in tailored, individualised and proactive Case Plans for children in or on the edge of the care system. This training will guide participants in how to engage families appropriately, how to truly and deeply listen to their needs and perspectives, and how to work in genuine partnership to gain collective responsibility and outcome for children’s best interests.
Culturally Safe Practice in Fostering and Kinship Care Assessments
Developed and delivered by our partner agency, Mullah Mara, by respected Elder Aunty Tammy Solomon. Building on SCS’s successful Assessment Writing Workshop as a foundational training, Aunty Tammy’s Culturally Safe Assessments training adds the cultural lens to learning how to engage with First Nations applicants and carers, how to assess risk and capacity safely and respectfully, and how to write these assessments in a culturally appropriate manner.
Cognitive Bias in Child Protection
Understand the concepts of Cognitive - Conscious and Unconscious - Bias and how they apply to child protection settings. This training will assist to articulate the impact of bias and the risks associated with bias and decision making through case discussions and real life scenarios. Develop an awareness of bias and how it can be reduced when making assessments and decisions, and importantly, understand the importance of acknowledging and calling out bias and how to do this effectively.
Outside of Line Management Supervision
In a corporate setting, child protection professionals typically engage in supervision with their direct line manager, often concentrating on task-orientated
activities and professional development within the organisation. Outside of Line Management Supervision, on the other hand, supports all professionals in reflecting on and exploring their own practice and ethos, including how their experiences, biases, and assumptions may influence their work.
Early Education Specialists Supervision
Supervision isn’t just for social workers! Being able to sit in a safe space to talk through your practice, your support needs, any worries, challenges or even successes you’ve experienced, with someone who is not in your line management can be a really powerful and empowering experience! Learn how to do this, as a team, through our Early Educators Supervision training.
Developing Meaningful Cultural Plans
Developed and delivered by our partner agency, Mullah Mara, by respected Elder Aunty Tammy Solomon. Aunty Tammy’s passion for high-quality, meaningful Cultural Plans is evident in her one-day hands-on training day. Aunty will walk participants through the ‘why’ and importantly the ‘how’, so everyone leaves with their own, fully-developed Cultural Plan template for future use; a Cultural Plan that is more than a dot-point, more than a paragraph, more than a ‘section’ of a document – a stand-alone, powerful, child friendly Cultural Plan that can guide practice and decision making for all involved.
‘Grassroots’ Standards of Care
Developed and delivered by our partner agency, Mullah Mara, by respected Elder Aunty Tammy Solomon. Aunty Tammy will guide this one-day training to ensure assessors, practitioners, carers and/or applicants understand the true meaning of the Standards of Care with a cultural lens. It is recognised that the Standards of Care are a critical element of the child protection system in Qld. Aunty Tammy’s vibrant, informative and engaging approach to helping teach the Standards of Care from an Aboriginal perspective will ensure learning is genuine, embedded and applicable across all roles of those in attendance.
Identifying and Assessing Risk in Strengths-Based Practice
Another one of the SCS 'Practitioner built, Practitioner Led' training. This 'Risk' training (which can be delivered in different formats - 1 day, 2 days or 4 half day sessions, online or in person) will help you and your team understand child protection and child safeguarding risk within your organisation. It will help your staff to understand the benefits of strengths-based practice, articulate what risk is within the context of your role and client base, and recognise the assessment of risk as an ongoing & critical element of practice. Skilled facilitators will guide participants to understand the role and limitations of risk mitigation, develop an awareness of the tools that can be used to assess risk and know the barriers which can impact upon accurate risk assessment. By far one of our most popular training packages!
Empowering Teams through DiSC© Assessment and Training
Support your leaders, managers and teams to understand themselves and each other through the DiSC profiling tool. DiSC empowers staff to understand how they work and how to adapt to optimise collaboration, identifying strengths and struggles before they arise!
Early Education Specialists Leadership Workshop
Early Educators are critical service providers, caring for children and young people with a varying range of behaviours, needs and challenges. Elevate yourself or your team members by investing in leadership training for them. Our Leadership half-day workshop for EEs covers how to manage conflict and change in the workplace, how to celebrate diversity and encourage belonging in the workplace, and how to have difficult conversations - with staff, colleagues and parents.